Setting Up

For your initial setup, payroll processing requires you to configure payroll items, add employees, and set up payslip items for each employee.

Payroll Items

Your initial configuration involves setting up all the necessary items to be included in employees’ payslips, as well as configuring specific settings for each item. This includes selecting the appropriate accounting ledgers, statutory fund contribution percentages, statutory accounting numbers, and more.
1. Navigate Menu Payroll > Settings > Payroll Items.
Here, you can manually add or remove items in raw mode, allowing you to create earnings or deductions with recurring frequencies. However, for a quick and streamlined setup, we recommend using the setup wizard.
2.Click Setup Wizard

Using Setup Wizard

Select the items you wish to include in your employees’ payslips, and then configure the settings accordingly.
Country-Specific: The setup wizard is equipped with templates for standard configurations based on your country. For Malaysia, we have provided templates for EPF, Socso, EIS, and PCB.
Accounting Ledgers: If you’ve already defined your ledger accounts in your chart of accounts, select them. Otherwise, use the wizard to auto-generate them.
The ledgers will be created upon save. Remember to adjust the auto-generated accounts for your reporting needs.


Adding Employees

1.Navigate Menu HR > Employee
2.Click New Employee
3.Employee Number, (leave blank for automatic)
4.Employee Profile (name, designation, gender, contact details)
5.User Account Id (If the employee has a login account in this system)
6.Employee Photo
7.Click Create
8.Next is to setup Employee Payslip Details

Payslip Details

This is where you can configure the employee’s salary, allowances, and deductions in detail.
1.Open Tab: Payslip
You shall see a list of items activated from Payroll Item settings.
The Payslip Item Control
Let’s use Employee Salary as an example. The payslip item control displays historical, current, and future salary values for employees. Changes are recorded with specific effective dates, enabling you to configure settings in advance and ensure they are applied to the corresponding periods as needed.
Initial Salary
2.With Salary control, click on the [+] button and select Add Changes.
3.Enter an effective date, and the salary amount
4.Click Set, and then Click Update
(Upon effective date, the employee shall receive a salary amount in payroll processing)
Salary Increments
5.With Salary control, click on the [+] button and select Add Changes.
6.Enter a new effective date, and a new salary amount.
7.Click Set, and then click Update.
(Upon effective date, the employee shall receive new salary amount in payroll processing)
Salary Termination
8.With Salary control, click on the [+] button and select Add Terminal.
9.Enter an effective date of termination.
10.Click Set, and then click Update.
(Employee shall continue receive salary until the termination date)

Payroll Details

This is where you set the additional employee payroll details, such as bank accounts, statutory accounts numbers, tax numbers.
1.Open Tab: Payroll
2.Fill in accordingly
3.Click Update